Saturday, January 8, 2011

Have Your Cake and Eat it TOO

One of the major problems I have while dieting trying to eat healthier is desserts. Mainly, portion control. I remember growing up watching my aunts say, "no just a sliver of that pie please." Sliver, that's barely a bite! Before, I would get a descent size piece of cake and pile on the icecream, yum.

With Weight Watchers, you don't deprive yourself of food, you just need to have portion control and remember to eat slowly (my biggest down fall - I'm usually the first one done).

My husband and I have a very big sweet tooth and there are days where I crave chocolate and icecream. I know that these things may cost a lot, but they really help me with my cravings and portion control (I just need to remember not to grab 2 or 3 out of the freezer!).

Skinny Cow has a lot of different different types of ice creams out there and I love em' all!

I plan tomorrow to make a few dessert type items to last me through out the week. May even pack a few in my bag to snack on during lunch as an extra treat.

Have you seen the new Hungry Girl Cooking Show? Just finished watching it and now I am craving pizza. Spent the day watching a few different shows and got a few ideas of some items that I'd like to try.

I also received a new slow cooker recipe book and I'm eager to try something. Also, got the new Weight Watcher Cookbook and will need to make a major trip to the grocery store and stockpile some ingredients to cook. Am thinking of maybe starting an herb garden so that I will have fresh herbs on hand.

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