Monday, September 12, 2011

Single and 30!

Yet another change has come into my husband and I have filed for divorce and I have to wait for a few more months for it to become final.  In all honesty, the beginning was very difficult for me to believe...."what, I'm 30 and now single?" "I've been with this man my entire adult life and now I am single?"  But guess what, I've come around to the idea and yes, I'm still scared at times, but this is a NEW adventure for me.  Sure, I'm sad because I not only loss a partner, but I also lost a friend; guess what I have a great bunch of friends and family members who are behind me in my decisions and who are supporting me all the way!

So I take off the the mismatched pajamas, clean out my house and rid myself of clutter and memories (well, I don't throw them away, rather have them in a memory box...some memories were are too precious to forget) and start to a happier me.  I also turn the music up VERY loud of music he hated and I sing at the top of my lungs..."I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world...." (don't lie I know you have at least hummed along to that song!).

I know that there will be good days...and bad days, I relate to my emotions right now as a roller coaster, good days, up, bad days, down...but I'm hoping that there will be more good days in my future and very little bad. 

On Friday I went to a Mariner's game with some of my cousins and a good friend.  We met up at Tiki Bob's (never been there before and I LOVED IT!)...after quite a few drinks (and even some shots of tequila) we were on our way to watch the Mariner's kick the Royal's butt (and they did 7-3!).

View from the Beer Garden

Our seats were far back and we didn't even make it there...we ended up at the beer garden all night and we all had a blast!

Me and my friend Maria

So yes...big change, but a good change.  Can't wait to see what the future brings!!!!

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